What Is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue for which the cause is still unknown. Pain can be felt as aching, burning and can change location around the body and be more severe in parts of the body that are used more frequently. Fatigue can feel like being tired to feeling exhausted and drained with often flu-like symptoms.

Fibromyalgia affects just over 2% of the general population worldwide and is a common illness. In fact, it is more common than rheumatoid arthritis and can be even more painful.

Fibromyalgia sufferers experience immediate and cumulative benefits from floating.

Floatation therapy relaxes the sufferer and provides relief to tender “trigger points” located throughout the body. Results from an international study demonstrated that Float therapy can help sufferers of Fibromyalgia relax, manage pain and attend to tasks which normally cause them difficulty. Improvements are carried over from one float session to the next, and immediate effects of each float session showed a significant reduction in symptoms with improvements in movement, relaxation, wellbeing and energy.

What benefits does floating have to fibromyalgia?

Stress Reduction

Decreases Pain In General

Decreases Muscle Tension

Dreceases Pain Caused By Muscle Tension

Lessens Anxiety

Mood Elevation

Improved Sleep

How does float therapy aid with fibromyalgia?

Floating takes the pressure of gravity off joints and muscles and your body is put into a high state of physical relaxation. Blood pressure and oxygen intake reduce but at the same time blood flow and the distribution of red blood cells increases. This speeds recovery from injury and helps flush any lactate, cortisone and adrenaline that may have been built up over time.

Float therapy has been shown to loosen the muscles and give more control over your nervous system. It resets the body’s chemicals and metabolic balance, reducing the risk of over injury. By taking away the force of gravity, floating takes the stress and pressure off strained joints and muscles while improving blood circulation in the affected area and throughout the body—helping the body to heal itself.

Floating has been shown to have mood and performance enhancing effects that seem to be more profound than other relaxation techniques. Floating can be a valuable stress reduction tool and especially useful in cases of mental burnout.